05 May 2008

Get To Know The Author...

Well I seem to have started things a bit backwards, but thats how I work at times. I guess you folks would like to know abit bout me... Well lets see what I can do to help you with that curiosity.

My name is Michael Trumble, I am a 28 year old self published author from the great state of Maine. Maine is a unique place, everyone of you out there know of our products but no one really ever comes here on vacation, least not from outside of the USA anyways. When I am not working on my current writing projects, which at the time of this blog post, is Coming Of Age, I enjoy the basic pleasures that living in the state of maine has to offer. From snowmobiling in the 6 months of winter, to the camping in the three weeks of summer I tend to find ways to get in touch with nature.

I tend to focus my time on writing poetry, although I do keep a notebook where I will pen the occasional short story. As you can tell by the store front ad on this blog, my first book has been titled "From Behind Blue Eyes" and is a collection of poetry based around the way I see things in the world around me. The book's body is comprised of many different emotional filled events from my life. To be quite honest, this book helped me get over the death of my grandmother, being able to have something like this to keep my mind free of the heart ache and formalities that go along with losing a loved one is a true blessing.

Although I don't think that I will get overly famous for my poetry, I have always looked up to a fellow Mainer, Longfellow, who was an amazing writer, some day I wish I could have a fraction of his success. Until then I am going to keep writing, revising and working my craft the best I know how.

For now,


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